Friday 10 May 2013


Interpreting the theme
i interpreted the theme by looking at different typography techniques and font the i wouldn't normally use, i looked at more unusual typography artists that i've never come across before and analysed their work. My plans for my final piece include me making my own type which is obscure and i've used materials i would never normally think of using to create it. 

Recording observations
I've used the internet to look at the websites of typography artists, looking at where they began their work, the pieces they have done and the materials and techniques they have used, I tried some of the techniques out myself but adapted them to go with my theme. I also looked through a typography book, i found tutorials for type in there and i tried them out to see if they would be any good to use. I also took my own pictures of any unusual typography i found when i was out, most of it was graffiti but i liked the colours and the skill you had to have to be able to compete these. 

Idea development
I didn't peruse my other ideas because i felt i didn't think there was much of a message to them, i felt i needed to test my skills further and try out different techniques, which then final idea i chose meant i could do. The development for my final piece changed a lot, I first decided i was going to make a stencil for my type and spray paint it with different colours, but after various experiments it seemed the colours weren't bold enough and the spray paints were hard to control, so instead i used chalk and created my font free hand. I also was going to paint the inside of my stencil of my silhouette with white paint but instead i sprayed the outside of the part of stencil i'd cut out with different colour spray paints. 

Materials, Techniques and Processes
i've used techniques and materials such as stencilling, spray painting, painting, chalk, pen, pencil, photography. I used a fence to spray paint on rather than a wall, and used different background with my development for my stencil. I encountered problems when developing my spray paint lon the fence because the red and blue spray paints didn't show up very well and as the spray paints were hard to control it proved difficult to get the letters in the shape and height i wanted them to be in. After that i decided that spray painting wouldn't be a good technique to use so instead i chose chalk as it would show up clearly on the black paint and i would be to control them much better. 

• Who? How? (Include images of at least 3 influences)
• Which artists/designers have you been most influenced by? Explain how?
• Did the exam trip or extension visit at Pick Me Up inspire your ideas at all? 
• Refer to at least one particular image which has been the most important. Link it with your own work and comment on the context in which it was made.

Final Piece
• What do you intend to make for your final piece?
• How resolved are your ideas? Explain narrative and meanings.
• Explain how you intend to use materials and techniques, formal elements, showing influences of other artists, etc.

Comment on your overall thoughts about the project
• Did you find the exam theme easy/difficult?
• Did you enjoy working on your prep work?
• Do you think you will be pleased with your final outcome when it is complete?

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